Explore Every Day
Pinpointing the extraordinary in the routine. Getting lost in the complexities of the many things we take for granted. Finding the common ground that connects us all.
As the California sunlight thickened into syrupy gold at sunset, the previously bare table gained a truly unique tablescape we could never have outmatched: gorgeous bottles of all shapes and sizes (accompanied by the inevitable drips and red-wine rings that come with such a celebration) became a collaboratively created table runner, their sculptural beauty refracting the sunlight and reflecting a celebration well attended, a portent of the successful harvest about to begin.
Healdsburg has long been considered the sleeper of California’s Wine Country; a slower-pace, lower-key alternative to Santa Rosa or Napa, a place where community still feels strong, sustainability leads the way, and small farms burst with bounty grown in that plentiful California sunshine.
Amidst live guitar, chatter, and laughter the evening came to a close. Although this Supper definitely came with some logistical challenges, the perfect views from Tularcitos Ridge and the feeling of seclusion were definitely worth it. We loved every moment of our return to California; we will never tire of reveling in its bounty and admiring its beauty!