Inspired Intentional Living

Once in a Lifetime Moments

It's our purpose to foster intentional living by slowing down and embracing conviviality with those around us. We do this by creating culinary and travel experiences that are designed to discover beauty in our surroundings, explore different ways of living and celebrate our commonalities.

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Supper Series

An unparalleled dining experience, Suppers are designed to evoke an appreciation of the present moment, celebrating life around a table set in a remarkable setting.


Culinary Pursuit

A new way to wander. Culinary Pursuit is an immersive multi-day culinary excursion designed to be a holiday like you’ve never experienced before. Just as our Suppers, the Culinary Pursuit details and special elements remain a secret until you arrive at our destination.


Checkout where we are headed and take a look back to explore where we’ve been. We hope you'll join us in the next adventure!

"The most magical evening. Thank you for sharing your artistry, passion & soul with us. I’m richer for the experience."

— Sherry Swede

Giving back


We feel compelled to action in support of sustainable and ethical practices that help those in need. We are thrilled to feature Food for Soul as our official Impact Partner! Through direct financial contributions and by creating ongoing awareness for the amazing work they do, we will support their mission to strengthen community resilience, open opportunities for social and economic mobility and build healthier and more equitable food systems


See our Shop


Past Suppers