Explore Every Day
Pinpointing the extraordinary in the routine; getting lost in the complexities of the many things we take for granted. Finding the common ground that connects us all.
Everything about this Supper sung of peak season in the Northeast — from the pop of fresh cherry tomatoes to the sizzle of fresh oysters on the grill, the bright fresh flowers on the table to the colorful menu sourced almost completely from the farm, and the conversations that lingered long after the candles burned down. It was one of those lingering summer nights that nobody wants to end.
Mid last year, we started daydreaming of a Supper in paradise—warm and sunny weather, sky-tall palm trees and, let’s face it, cocktails on the beach. We started daydreaming of Hawaii. Fast forward to March 20, we boarded an Alaska Airlines flight to Kona, to make our dream a reality.