Explore Every Day
Pinpointing the extraordinary in the routine. Getting lost in the complexities of the many things we take for granted. Finding the common ground that connects us all.
While in the full swing of summer, we decided to add a Supper to our schedule to host a celebration presented by those who know the pleasures of bittersweet best, Aperol. After a steamy summer week, we caught one of the first cool nights of the changing season — perfect for setting the table fireside, not to mention cooking over open flames. The chefs from Fyr + Salt crafted an incredible Italian meal from farm-fresh meat and produce from 8 Hands Farm.
There is a serene beauty to the Hamptons in the shoulder seasons, before the crowds arrive and the summer sunshine reflects blue skies onto whitewashed siding. In the grayer days of spring, the bright green of new growth seems to glow against cloudy skies. It’s much easier, in that light, to remember that while Hamptons is one of America’s most iconic summer playgrounds, it is also one of the country’s great agricultural regions.