Explore Every Day
Pinpointing the extraordinary in the routine. Getting lost in the complexities of the many things we take for granted. Finding the common ground that connects us all.
During cocktail hour, we were given the unique chance to step back from our end of the food chain, all the way to the source, through a live butchering demonstration in the barn. With a cocktail in hand, everyone in attendance was able to watch the craft of whole animal butchery unfold in front of them — moments before sitting down to try the results at the table.
We arrived at the stunning Alila Ventana Big Sur resort with plans for a dinner in the redwood grove just down the hill, a first for the property and a magical setting for Supper. But, Big Sur is a place where you listen to the land, and the land (and sky) had other ideas. The day of the Supper emerged grey and rainy, with temperatures in the 30s — not at all ideal conditions.