Russian River Valley Paulée

presented by Secret Supper

Mark the start of the harvest season with a wine country gathering that’s as unique as the region. Secret Supper, in partnership with Russian River Valley Winegrowers, will bring together winemakers, growers, and enthusiastic wine lovers for an evening of revelry during its annual Paulée Dinner, hosted this year on Saturday, August 3rd. 

Inspired by the great tradition of Paulée gatherings in France, it’s an unmatched opportunity to sample exquisite selections from more than a dozen Russian River Valley wineries. Winemakers and guests alike will also share rare vintages and coveted, unique wines from their personal cellars during the elegant, family-style meal created by renowned local chefs and Sonoma County purveyors. In Burgundy, Pauleé began as a way for the winemaking community to celebrate each vintage; today, we extend a warm welcome for guests to join with us to celebrate the start of the harvest season, meet the people who craft these world-class wines, and to get a sense of the winemaking history that unites us.